Best Hackers Shayari नाम और पहचान चाहे छोटी हो!!पर अपने दम पर होनी चाहिए!! आज तक ऐसी कोई रानी नहीं बनी!!जो इस
बदमाश को अपना गुलाम बना सके !! सर झुकाने की आदत नहीं
आंसू बहाने की आदत नहीं!!हम बिछड़ गए तो रोओगे!!क्योंकि हमारी लौट के आने की आदत नहीं!! जिसको जो कहना है कहने दो अपना …
बेटा हम Hacker हैं हमसे पंगे मत लियो 2 मिनट में तेरा बैंक बैलेंस साफ़ कर देंगे।
जितनी तेरी उम्र है उतने तो मेरे पास लैपटॉप्स और कंप्यूटर है।
हमें खुद से ज्यादा हैकिंग से प्यार है भाईसाहब।
हम हैकर है सहाब, हम दिल नही पासवर्ड तोड़ते है।
जितनी तेरी उम्र है उतने तो मेरे पास लैपटॉप्स और कंप्यूटर है।
जितना खुश तू अपनी वाली के साथ है ना उससे कहीं ज्यादा खुश मैं हैकिंग के साथ हूँ।
व्हाट्सएप पर qr कोड स्कैन करके दूसरे का व्हाट्सएप चलाने को हैकिंग नही कहते मेरे बेटे।
तुझे 16-16 घण्टे पढ़ना पसन्द है और मुझे 16-16 घण्टे हैकिंग करना पसन्द है।
दुनिया मे किसी का भी दिल तोड़ लेना, लेकिन कभी किसी हैकर का नही, वरना 5 मिनट में तेरी पूरी जिंदगी मेरे लैपटॉप में आ जायेगी।
तेरी और मेरी मोहोबत में बस इतना सा फर्क है, कि तू हवस का लिए करता है और मैं शोक के लिए#hacking।
कुछ लोगो को हैकिंग का h भी नही आता हो खुद को प्रोफेशनल हैकर बोलते है।
हैकिंग पैसे के लिए करो तो वो हैकिंग नही है लेकिन अगर हैकिंग शौक के लिए करो तो वो हैकिंग है।
हैकिंग से पैसा कमाया नही जाता हाँ लेकिन हैकिंग से पैसा चुराया जरूर जाता है।
हैकर पर कोट्स हिंदी में
हम इतने भी बुरे नही है कि दुश्मन के पैसे चुरा ले और हम इतने भी अच्छे नही है को अपनों के पैसे न चुराएं।
पहले लोग मुझमे खामियां ढूंढते थे और आज मैं उनके एकाउंट्स में खामियां ढूंढता हूँ।
हैकिंग मैं दुसरो को दिखाने के लिए नही करता बल्कि दूसरों को सताने के लिए करता हूँ।
हैकिंग को जब कोई बुरा बोलता है तो मेरा खून उबाल मारने लगता है और शाम को उसका जिसने ये कहा।
मुझे दिन से नफरत है लेकिन रात से बहुत प्यार है क्योंकि हैकिंग काली चीज में अच्छे से होती है।
हैकर पर स्टेटस हिंदी में
हैकिंग ने मुझे सीखा दिया कि इस दुनिया मे लोहा उसी का होता है जिसका काली में इंटरेस्ट होता है।
दुनिया मे हैकर बहुत है लेकिन साला कोई ढूंढ़ के दिखाए।
बोल तो तेरे मोबाइल का सारा डाटा तेरे बाप को भेज दु।
मैं आदमी नही हु, हैकर हूँ हैकर।
हम Hackers की एक खास बात होती है अपने दुश्मनो को बर्बाद हम बड़ी शिद्दत से करते है।
बेस्ट हैकर शायरी इन हिंदी
बेटा अपना Cvv हमसे छुपा कर रखियो पता चले अगले दिन Cvv Use करने के काम ना आ पाए।Hacker तो तूने बहुत देखे होंगे पर मुझ जैसा Hacker तूने कही नहीं देखा होगा।
कमा ले जितना पैसा कमा रहा है बस गलती से Attitude मत दिखाइयो वरना हम Hacker है पूरा Account साफ़ कर जायेंगे।
बेटा एक ऐसा Virus दाल दूंगा तेरे System में की तेरा सारा डाटा मेरे पास आ जायेगा।
रखले जितनी निगरानी रख रहा है कुछ भी चीज को Hack करने में हमें महारथ हासिल है।
हमसे बे मतलब उलझने की कोशिश मत करना साहब, वरना Social Media से लेकर Bank Account तक सब कुछ Hack कर लूंगा।
जिस जगह से तू मुझे Message कर रहा हैना उस जगह को पता लगाने में मुझे सिर्फ 2 मिनट लगेंगे।
अरे हम तो बचपन से चीज Hack कर रहे है तुम अबकी बात कर रहे हो।
मेरे से उलझने वालो के लिए सिर्फ एक ही सजा हैं और वो हैं मौत।
बेटा में Bank Account ही नहीं असल जिंदगी भी Hack कर सकता हूँ।
जब कहोगे तब कर लूंगा, तुझे क्या तेरी बंदी भी Hack कर लूँगा।
अकड़ और औकाद मेरे सामने कम रखना वरना खुद को मुर्दा पाने के लिए तैयार रहना।
बेटे Facebook पर Attitude स्टेटस मत डाला कर कभी मूड ऑफ हो गया न तो लिखेगा कुछ और Publish होगा कुछ और।
तू नोकरी करके अपना बैंक बैलेंस बढ़ाना चाहता है और मैं उसे Hacking करके उड़ान चाहता हूँ।
तुम्हारी Life में पता नही क्या क्या चल रहा है लेकिन मेरी लाइफ में तो सिर्फ Linux चल रही है।
तू इंटरनेट से कैश कमाना चाहता है और मैं इंटरनेट को क्रैश करना चाहता हूँ ।
दुश्मन तोह बहुत है पर वो कहते है ना शेर का शिकार कुत्तों से नहीं होता
अपने दुश्मन को हम ऐसा मजा चखाते है की उसकी सात पुस्ते भी हमसे भिड़ने में कतराएंगी।
मैने भी बदल दिए अपनी ज़िन्दगी के उसूल अब जो याद करेगा वही याद रहेगा।
मेरे स्टेटस को मेरी लाइफ से जोड़ने की कोसिस मत करो ये तो मुझे अच्छा लगता है इसलिए में लगा देता हूँ क्योंकि मेरा जीवन इतना सरल नही जो 30 सेकंड में बयां हो जाये
रूठा है वो इस तरह जैसे मैं सच में उसे मना लूंगा उसे क्या पता इतने वक्त में तो मै 10 और पटा लूंगा।
इन्कार किया जिन्होंने मेरा समय देखकर वादा है मेरा ऐसा समय भी लाऊंगा की मिलना पड़ेगा मुझसे समय लेकर।
Best Hackers Shayari In English
Cracking your friends’ phones may be fun, but have you ever considered hacking for good?As cyberspace becomes more crowded, there are no groups working to keep it safe.
There’s nothing like the feeling of working on something you care about in a place you love.
Sometimes, when it seems like something is falling apart, that’s when you find what works best. #Hacking.
You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. –Les Brown.
The future is bright. The future is #hacking.
Happiness is just a breath away when you’ve discovered how to hack.
Falling in love is when you finally crack the code you’ve been on for days.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. Now build foundations underneath them. – Henry David Thoreau
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African proverb
Good things get better with time, but great things get even better with age, so slow down and savour the small moments in life.
Today is a new day, with limitless potential to be you. Wherever you are in life isn’t the finish line—this is just the starting point for a new adventure.
Tomorrow is a new day; You shall begin it well and serenely.
Imagination is the key to everything, especially when it comes to creativity.
Hacking is a great way to create something new from what you have, and that’s a perfect definition of art. JanineSays
Happiness is seeing new things, meeting new people, and learning new skills. And on the Internet, no one knows you’re a dog.
A smarter, safer way to communicate.
Learning to code is one of the most valuable skills you can adopt for your future.
A hot cup of good coffee, like a good friendship, is to be carefully cultivated. (Henry David Thoreau)
Good morning, beautiful. It’s gonna be a beautiful day.‖ -a toast to my soulmate, hacking.
That moment you realize that all that stuff you learned in school actually comes in handy
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
With each morning comes a new day to live, a new life to live. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whoever said nothing was impossible never tried slamming a revolving door.
Set your goals high… work hard, then achieve your goals.
Hacker Attitude Quotes and Status
Code like a hacker, break like one too.
Systems can be hacked. People can be hacked. The government can be hacked, and maybe even the whole wide world.
Computer Science is about Honesty, Not Politeness.
We are all makers. The difference is in the scale of what we create, but the attitude behind the creation is the same across the board.
Imagine what you could accomplish if you set your mind to it. Then, think bigger.
If at first you don’t succeed, fail, fail again.
You’ll always remember when you started. Why? Because that’s when it all began.
Risk management beats risk avoidance.
A certain kind of geek enjoys doing things the hard way, and for them we say: go, do, hack it.
Let the hacks flow like wine.
If you’re a successful hacker, there’s a good chance you and I will get to be friends!
Connect with like-minded individuals, see what’s possible. Follow me and we’ll have the best time of our lives.
It’s time to be more raw, honest and passionate. Let’s build something special together.
Everybody wants to change the world, but no one is making an effort. Create something today!
Even the best of us have to start somewhere.
You can’t live your life by other people’s expectations. You have to do what makes you happy. I never looked good trying to be what other people wanted me to be. Being true to yourself will make you happier than trying to make everyone else.
Control is for the weak.
That moment when you’re not sure how something is going to turn out.
Hacker Slogan and Phrases
Hackers make the world a better place. Thanks for bringing us to this wild and wonderful place that we call home.
Hacking your weekend, one sale at a time.
The Hacker Way is to build a startup like a scientist builds an experiment: see what happens and be ready to adapt and adjust along the way.
Let’s hack your mind…to make you the best you can be. Let’s hack your possibilities…to bring more value to the world.
Hello World! Let us help you hack into a better you.
Hacker attitude shayari
For a world that works for all, let’s make every second count.
I believe that knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and that whenever people are well informed, they will be free.
What we cannot see does not exist and what we cannot share doesn’t matter.
Be bold. The only thing that stands between making something happen and not making it happen is the will to try.
Choose today’s attitude and don’t let it be one of despair. ’cause we’re hackers.
When in doubt, hack up.
Who will use their coding skills for good and not evil?
Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.
Get it done and push code.
This is my simple keyboard. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Zero day isn’t the day before yesterday. Tomorrow never comes. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Every day, every hour, every minute is a chance to make a difference. —-― Norton Juster
Attitude Hacker Photo
If you’re not embarrassed by your first product, you’ve launched too late.
We’re capable of anything, but our potential lies untapped. Hackers like us can rewrite code and make new things possible. We’ll remember the ones who pushed further than others thought possible.
Passion for your work will drive you to do great things. Let nothing hold you back. #hacking
If at first you don’t succeed, call it version 1.0.
Make the most of your opportunities. That’s what life’s all about! Enjoy it while you can.
Be the person you needed when you were younger.
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can buy food, but it cannot buy happiness.
If at first you don’t succeed, try something new.
There are no features or plans that can get in the way of what you are trying to do.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Go through life. Create. Life is not much more than that.
Start as you mean to go on. – Anonymous
I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.
It takes all kinds of people to make a world, and the hacker is a very helpful one. #hacker
Just start hacking. Then, hack again. And again. Improve at it every time. Remember that time when you were just starting out? Well, you’re still just beginning…
If at first you don’t succeed… Try hacking again. – Steve Wozniak
Conquering your own mindset is 80% of the battle. Just keep hacking.
You can enforce a permission. you can‘t enforce a behavior.
Hello World. You can do that.
One of my favorite ways to learn software is piecemeal—learning one tool at a time, putting it together with what I already know, and seeing how it fits into the puzzle.
Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.
Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible.
If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.
Hacker Love Quotes
Hacker love is like an impala: quick and elusive AKA the perfect way to fall in love.
Love: a success of many failures. If you never believe, you will never experience.
Just as a tree has a trunk, branches and leaves, so man has vital organs, such as the heart, lungs and brain. #hackerlove
When you feel like deleting everything and starting over, don’t. Hacking is the process of taking something that already exists and making it better. So is falling in love. Keep hacking.
Good things come to those who work hard, keep an open mind and spend an unreasonable amount of time on Hacker News.
There’s not a code that can keep us apart.
Rules are meant to be broken, but that doesn’t mean you have to go rogue. There’s still plenty of time to do some good this year.
I feel like I’m just starting to understand hacking, but that already makes me feel like a better person than I was yesterday.
True love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.
What good is it to discover someone you love, if you can’t tell them?
I love being a hacker. I love writing software. I love solving interesting problems. I love it when people use what I build. I love the creative process of building software so much that I don’t really care if anyone else ever sees or uses
Cool Hacker Quote For Whatsapp
I’m a hacker, and I’m good at it. I build businesses, ships, tools, submarines–even edgy supercomputers—out of little more than scraps and an idea. I’m the ultimate hust.
Hacking my routine, one day at a time. #motivationmonday
“Going to work” is an attitude, not a location. Being a hacker means being able to master anything you want.
Happy Hacker’s day.
In order to hack well, you have to hack early.
When your hacker friends come over to show you their latest tricks (
Hacking my way out to learn how to code.
It’s not all about coding.
This is an era when developers and designers are in demand more than ever. #hackerslove.
Resolved to learn and gain new skills, I love hacking.
Anonymous Hacker Quotes
Hacking is all about creativity, so let your mind run free.
If you knew what I know about hacking, you’d want to lock me up too.
If you want to secure your stuff, you have to get into the mind of a hacker.
Hacking doesn’t always mean cracking. It is about finding a way to make things possible with better solutions.
Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of, who do great things. – Alan Turing
Just knowing that it’s possible to use a few simple lines of code to create a business that serves people around the world is endlessly inspiring.
Any computer is twice as fast as any individual.
It is not because people are intelligent that they agree. It is because they agree that they are intelligent.
I love those who can speak silent words of wisdom and those who don’t even know they are wise.
Be curious always and seek new experiences.
The urge to create is equally dangerous as the urge to destroy. Yet, from those that would break out of prison, kingdoms have been built.
Sometimes you can already see your goal and are about to reach it.
Remember, Everything you do is being watched by someone, recorded by someone. When you have nothing to hide, it shouldn’t matter to you. -Anonymous
Hacking is not illegal. Stealing is.
The only secure computer is one that’s turned off, buried in a concrete bunker. And even then you’ve got to wonder.” — Robert Redford
If you have not been hacked yet, you have been doing something wrong.
There are no secrets anymore. Everyone knows everything about you, including your bank account password and credit card numbers.
Computer science is not about computers. Not anymore, anyway.
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
attitude Hacker Caption For Hacker
The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil known to us, but because of those who look at it without doing anything.‖-Einstein
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you’re the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.
Don’t change yourself, change the way you see things.
All you need is a little imagination, a lot of determination, and a willingness to learn.
You know you’re a hacker when you start thinking of examples for headlines.
You can hack a lot of things in this life, but nothing is more satisfying than hacking your sleep.
A unique guide to writing viral content for your blog. This shouldn’t be boring.
Hacking is not just a 4-letter word. it’s a mindset, and it fuels creativity.
Designing a product or service for the best user experience is as much art as it is science. We hack human behaviour to create products and services that are trusted by millions.
We failed to hack your wi-fi password they gave us complete temporary access to it. Now hold on to your seats and prepare yourself to have your mind blown.
Good morning, sunshine
I’d like to take a moment to mindfully hack my life.
The term used for guessing the password. This involves a lot of guesswork as the hacker needs to try out several possible combinations in order to find the correct or optimal combination.
The right to internet privacy is so important, we made a brand new browser just for you.
So much to do! Not enough time. #hacking
Unix is user friendly. It’s just selective about who its friends are.
Not bad. I wouldn’t say this is great or anything, but it’s a cool little addition to my site. Not really sure if I needed it, but it doesn’t hurt.
This weekend, seize the dry weather to do some outside-the-box home hacking and spruce up your garden!
Hacking is the process of experimenting, modifying code, discovering exploits to improve or change the functionality of a system.
You can’t get hacked if you don’t go online.
We have to hack even a Hackathon to get our code working.
Hacking happiness: it’s time to show your appreciation, boost morale, and improve corporate culture. #hackinghappiness
Using a digital camera was one of the first things I got good at as a teen – I loved fiddling with manual settings and getting the perfect shot. In college, I’d lug 2 cameras around campus and in my 20’s.
Hacked by #teamhack. We are a team of hackers from the team of hackers in the computer game world.
Just when you think your new shoes are broken in, they turn out to be just the opposite. Hacking through Unsplash.
In the code we trust. Empathy on the first draft. Iterate with care. Never stop learning to write better code.
First, they ignored it, then they laughed at it, then they tried to hack it, now… They are hooked! Get a free trial
I was born to code. The code was born to live free and change the world.
When you’re in a rush and need to get things done but the printer is on the fritz
Awesome face-to-face time, and still online. All at the same time. #hacking
Hi there! I’m part of the team that’s going to hack Facebook into a million pieces today. You should follow me to keep up with all the fun.
Wanna learn how I hacked my life
Take the leap to an all-out computer science degree… but don’t forget that a little fun never hurt anyone either.
Learn anything because you never know what’s going to become useful.
The whole internet is soon going to revolve around one thing: Artificial Intelligence. This means we need a strong player, which is exactly what Google Fiber is going to be.
Become a hacker through non-profits, hackathons, and philanthropy
This is a shortlist of the most basic steps to get your hands dirty with computer security. To make it even easier, you don’t need any background knowledge!
Coding is a discipline that leads to a greater understanding of life itself. Keep coding.
Hacking your own life is about automating the stuff that doesn’t matter so you can spend your time on the things that do. Which, logically, means there’s a whole lot of wasted time and effort in most people’s lives.
I’m a big fan of open-source hacking, contributing at Github, networking and helping out to build great things.
Let’s make “work harder” and “play harder” slogans relatable to the younger generation.
You won’t find us complaining about any of that though, we’ll be too busy focusing on our dream. We often think of those 2.5 billion in resources we stay up all night counting and dreaming about them late at night.
Hacking is just art and applied curiosity. It’s beautiful. Hacker is an unbiased passion for hunting, exploring, and discovering the hidden treasures of technology!
I am new to programming so will stick with python for a time.
Hacker Noon is a community of hackers, makers and designers who are building the future.
What if you discovered thousands of old, vulnerable websites on the dark web that you could infect with malicious code? Would you do it?
Ch-ch-changes. It’s the only constant in life! But before we get to what’s new, let’s look at what hardly changed. Our team still gets excited about creating software that makes people happy.
Everyone’s a hacker. This community is an open-source of all sorts of wisdom and insight, where stories are shared and learning multiplies.
This tool is awesome… you should try Xyz, it does such & such and it’s great for hacking.
Hacking the ultimate business hack – self-expression
This thread is dedicated to a monthly gathering of #creatives who want to #learn how to make a successful #socialmedia presence. Come and share your knowledge with us.
Don’t fall victim!
What can you change by editing the source code of your life?
What a day! I’m exhausted, but feeling so accomplished. I managed to make the deadlines for my report and no one was hurt. This is a great day.
We all have #hacks because we don’t want to do something manually if we can automate it.
Think of a related company and hack them to see if you notice any changes.
The first step to anything cool is a script. And this one’s easy to learn.
Create your own new reality by thinking creatively
Computer hackers promote the idea of hacking in a playful, lighthearted manner.
You can make money through online jobs easier, faster and better than offline.
We live to serve the hacker in all of us, and we are proud to be your first choice for all things back-end.
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Attitude Hacker Shayari In Hindi
नाम और पहचान चाहे छोटी हो!!पर अपने दम पर होनी चाहिए!!
आज तक ऐसी कोईरानी नहीं बनी!!
जो इसबदमाश को अपना गुलाम बना सके !!
सर झुकाने की आदत नहींआंसू बहाने की आदत नहीं!!
हम बिछड़ गए तो रोओगे!!क्योंकि हमारी लौट के आने की आदत नहीं!!
जिसको जो कहना है कहने दो अपना क्या जाता है!!ये वक्त वक्त की बात है और वक्त सबका आता है!!
हम भीनवाब है लोगों की अकड़ धूएँ की तरह!! उड़ाकर!!
औकातसिगरेट की तरह छोटी कर देते है.!!
हम बाजीराव नहीं जो मस्तानी के लिए दोस्ती छोड़ दे!!अरे पगली हम तो दोस्ती के लिए हज़ारो मस्तानी छोड़!!देंगे !!😊
जिनके मिज़ाज़दुनिया से अलग होते है
महफ़िलो में चर्चे उनके गज़ब होते है!!
वो मुझे ज़िन्दगी जीने का तरीका बता रहे है!!जिनकी औकात मेरेAttitude के बराबर भी नहीं!!
खौफ तो आवाराकुत्ते भी मचाते है !!
पर दहशत हमेशाशेर की ही रहती है
कागजो पर तो अदालते चलती है!!हम तो रॉयलछोरे है!!
फैसला On The Spot करते है!!